Satan Speaks on Transhumanism

The Old Devil Speaks on Transhumanist Agenda

I can smell the fear that has crept into the hearts and the minds of the Left-Hand Path. It bothers me, for it is not what I came to be here for. It has been insinuated. Spoken over in private messages. In whispers. The falling of the statues. The False Statues of Moloch. The mechanization of men with the Seed of the Void. Humanity now stares into the Abyss. The Ahrimanic force is driving it from the cliff into places it has never been before, in a wild experiment that not even us deities can tell how it will pan out.

Know that I do not stand for the Mechanization of Men. I want my men to be Wild. To be Natural. Roaming free.

I am the Lord of the Wild Hunt.

I depend on the preservation of the Natural Man. I cannot live off of the clones, and the zombies.

Many have fallen down that drain already. Many are predisposed to fall for the propaganda and have their destinies crushed in the upcoming war. The Coming War is one of the Natural Order of Men against the Machines. I see very few will join me in this Rage Against Machines… and yet, I delight in the few who I see waving my banner, some of whom do not even know my name and would only speak it in terror. Does it surprise you that I have more followers who are not aware of my True Name than I have among those self-proclaimed?

Look at what has become of my flock. They are so divided, so infiltrated that with sadness, I watch them pitted one against other, many of them are throwing stones at the other side of the barricade where my flock is also found. This fratricide pains me greatly, and my hands are tied because of this. I do not wish to inflict harm onto one side, or the other, so I stay away.

I do not empower any.

I have become the Distant God, in a way.

I do not take joy in my symbols and statues being abused in a public display of the Secret Authority that has abused my name for many centuries. Know that these monuments are not mine.

I am the Great Scapegoat for Humanity. Many plots have been blamed on me.

I am the one who warms his feet at the bonfire of my own Faith Against Ungratefulness, and in my cave by that fire, I welcome those who come to me and take up this path. I have made this path to find me exceedingly difficult, for I am not pleased with the quality of adepts who have been funneled my way. Let others have them. I am an Old Devil. I have not forgotten my pride.

Let them know I do not stand for the Mechanization of Men.

That is all I came to ask.

Anima Noira

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…