Things That Could Have Been

A poem that ponders all the possible timelines.

What if all the things that could have been
Exist on another timeline

What if I didn’t board that plane
What if you arrived an hour later
What if I didn’t like the place after all
What if she found out about us

What if my dad was right
What if I didn’t pick up the phone
What if the cops didn´t know any better
What if I will never get to know the whole story

The things that could have been
Keep piling up under my carpet
Like a body count

What if he straightened out eventually
What if he went back to drugs
What if I had kept the baby
What if I didn’t sell out

What if it got out of hand
What if I walked away too soon
What if he lied to all of us

If I were to bury
Every single one of those timelines
I wouldn’t be able to find a big enough shovel

So I live them out
Somewhere else

In another corner of the time-space continuum
I live out all my lives
In a place dedicated to all the
The things that could have been

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.


  1. I believe there is a way to access these other lives or timelines.

    Back when I was a traveling artist and driving to this one party. I would teach groups how to paint a small canvas while they gathered with family and friends to paint and drink. I was running really late and having the shittiest of luck that evening. I even spilled my coffee on me, which is never a good sign and had to stop at the store to buy a new outfit. I don’t remember the details of everything that happened that night, but my anxiety was through the roof, and I didn’t want to go. I sat in the parking lot, contemplating driving back home and kept crying, thinking about not showing up at all. This party was almost a two-hour drive from my home, and I was already going to be an hour late.

    I had a THC oil vape pen in my car and thught to myself maybe it will help calm me down. I began to drive towards the party, figuring once I made my decision, I could always turn back around. As the high from my vape pen started to take effect, I suddenly thought about the balance of the universe. How nature and the universe, the energies all around us, seek balance. But maybe it’s not balance within one set universe or dimension but balance within the actual soul. And I had these visions. Why is it one day we can have such a beautiful, wonderful time in our life, a day where everything goes right, and then a day or time where anything that could go wrong goes wrong? I saw in my mind’s eye whenever I am having a bad time in my life, the other parts of me in different timelines are having better days. That there is continuously a balance in the oversoul that affects the soul fragments. When things are going right for me, then those other parts are experiencing strife. So, I sat there and demanded that night of all nights I have the best night. I envisioned precisely how this party would go. They would be understanding of how late I was. That everything would turn out perfectly, and everyone would have a great time. Up to this day, I was having a streak of bad luck, and I put my foot down that night and demanded a shift to occur. I wanted to be on the “better energy” receiving end. I wanted to shift into the timeline where everything turned out for the best. The party turned out to be one of the best I ever attended with a huge tip to follow. They loved me that night and completely understood me being late.

    I had forgotten this happened to me until I read your poem! I believe all these things, the what-ifs, happen to us in some other timeline or dimension we are on. I have had very vivid dreams of my other lives where I have seen my what-if scenarios playing out- I believe I am visiting them in my dream time. And I think there is an energetic, conscious way for us to slide into a different timeline we exist on if it’s what we truly desire.

    I believe anything we think of, everything we imagine, on some level exists out there.

    • Wow yes, that is so profound. I do beleve we are living paralel timelines, I have lived through many many past lives and once something tha seemed to go somewhere else in the present, and twice it seemed to be taking place in the future.

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