‘I hate to break this to you, Nora,’ my associate said. ‘But we did some workings with the Coven, and we came up with this realization… Basically, Hell is real, and we are living in it.’
The Priestess stood silent, waiting for the bad news to dawn on me. ‘I don’t know if you want to hear this but…’
She hands me a diagram that the medium has drawn based upon Dante’s Inferno and medieval sources that have been verified in the recent channeling.
‘Do you know where YOU are, Nora?’
‘Yeah,’ I laughed. ‘I am in the Ring of Pride. Obviously. I am Luciferian.’
‘You absolutely need to get out of there.’ She pointed it out on the diagram. ‘Here.’
‘To the Ring of Lust.’
‘Yeah, I know, already. Lucifer said to me, ‘your Lust will get you through this.’
‘It’s the most benign place to be, Nora. It’s still hell realm, but for ones like us, that’s the best we can be.’ Lust. The most natural of human inclinations. A part of our animal nature. Troublesome, and enslaving us in some ways, but still… the purest expression of the natural spirit. I took the diagram from the Priestess, and pictured myself on my way up from Hell, through the Seven Rings, all the way up from the Ring of Pride to the Ring of Lust, which is uppermost.
Better to be enslaved by one’s own desire, than by the consequences of stupid choices made out of ego, that equal shooting oneself in the foot.
I looked at the adverse diagram of the Second Hell too – the one that lays below this Hell realm. There was a lot of place for my enemies there, but one level, in particular, caught my attention.
They were so deep down and low, that only the Fallen Angels and Satan H.I.M.self was below them.