Knowing that I have only one month or so left having to log into this cesspit called the social media makes me feel happy. Yesterday, somebody wanted praise from me…
keep readingI ritualized the end of my third marriage by returning to the same place and disposing of my wedding dress to the elements in a creative photo shoot; as I…
keep readingThe Queen of Cups embodies mastery over the element of Water in Service to Others. She is in touch with her emotions, flows with the ebbs of life, and forgives.…
keep readingCoreyemmah has been vlogging her journey of Hedge Witchcraft for a decade, paving the way for many. Exploring the Mysteries of Motherhood in Germanic wetlands, she likes to contemplate metaphysics,…
keep readingThe protectress of women speaks of the game men play which is called reverse auction.…
keep readingArtwork in honor of Lilith who follows women to dangerous places.…
keep readingLove is just a giant ass weakness.…
keep readingThe Infernal Soulmate Union and How to Achieve It…
keep readingThe Goddess Speaks and Issues her Battle Cry…
keep readingIshtar shares an important message for the Brothers.…
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