$159 [ 45 min live call, audio only ] or $299 [ 1 hr live call video ]
Get Spiritual Guidance and Mentoring from me on your chosen Path. You can confide in me any parapsychic phenomena you have encountered or messages you have received from Spirits, no question is taboo. Whether it is verification of the signs from the Other Side you are looking for or just a compassionate ear of somebody who understands what you are dealing with, I am here for you. I have acted as a Spiritual Mentor for people from literally all walks of life, and many countries, so there is little I have not dealt with previously. I can give you guidance on what practices, and traditions would you be best advised to follow, and aid in the planning and performance of complex rituals, initiations, etc.
The minimum suggested donation is $159 for a 45 audio-only call, or $299 for a full 1 hour video call.