‘Remember, that being happy today, and fitting in, is not a sign of good health or sanity, or anything else positive. We live in a literal SEWER, filled to the brim with rats, man-shit, and rotting garbage, and it is all governed by deranged perverts and degenerates. You have all the right in the world to be unhappy, to not fit in, and to not even want to fit in. In fact, you should be more worried if you ARE happy and DO fit in a cesspool like this. Remember also, though, that you can escape the sewer. You might smell like shit for some time afterward, but you CAN break free. And even if you never stop reeking, you can offer something better to the next generations. If I can do it, why not you too?’
— Thulean Sorcerer

Photos accompanied his post. He now lives in rural France in the middle of nowhere with his children and wife in what is de facto the most abandoned region of continental Europe. It’s a part of the EU, but it is also ‘not’ in the sense there has been migration to the cities and abandonment of villages for so long that places like where he lives no longer even have a grocery store operating. So people actually wear camouflage gear to blend with the landscape, as they go hunting.
He was much more famously known before by another name.

Making a name for yourself, getting famous—none of that is what lies at the true end of the rainbow, that tiny spot reached by those who walked the Left-Hand Path to its very end.
There is just Silence.
For the full context, watch the replay of my newest Devil’s Disciples Show, where we spoke about the Heroes and Villains of the Left-Hand Path.