Dying Out of the Left Hand Path

Essay on the detrimental changes happening to the Left-Hand Path

‘The Gods will rally behind the stark darkness of your honesty.’


We are strong in numbers, but in spirit, we are dying out. Been waiting for a statement on current affairs from your favorite celebrity, haven’t you?

If I were called “a radicalizer” by the mainstream press, I would take it as a compliment. The Left-Hand path, by its very nature, is supposed to be radical.

As we have left the underground, and become more palatable to the mainstream, I am starting to see a lot of pussies here. We are on the way to successfully imitate what in Wicca has become known as the fluffy bunnies, the self-righteous and superficial crowd.

Hell, I have been lectured about what a “proper Satanic woman” does, can you believe it?

Radicalizer? Radicalized? Fucking own it!

It´s just academic jargon anyway. It´s not the Truth. Academic study of New Religious Movements is all done from the perspective of an outsider to the practice, and from within the thick walls, it is on-demand, and done for the State. It´s just another form of ignorance.

There is no freedom of inquiry in the Academia. It is all a profit machine, designed to limit the freedom of our critical inquiry. That is why I left academia a decade ago. Because I realized it was bogus, and my mentor was actually an agent for the *** who they used to cover up actual cult-related crimes.

I am Old School in my mid-thirties now.

We are becoming The Old Guard.

The Left-hand Path is becoming LESS radical, and it’ s been losing a lot of its genuine core, over the past few years. It’s become commercialized, trying to appeal to everyone, and, what is worse yet, actively recruit people.

This is the Path of the Outcast.

There should be no recruitment beyond giving the Sign to those who will heed the call.

You know, back in the day when I got on the Left-hand Path, you were actually expected to cheer for terrorists and murderers, not to name any names but yall over the age of 35 will know had burned down churches and was a superstar with so many fangirls that they had to close the courtroom to the public.

It fascinates me how many people care more about their looks and appearances in the public eye, climb each other´s back to scrape some fame out of it, cannibalizing each other´s audiences, and then they weep and whine about who scorned them.

Trying to win the poker with their victim cards, I see everybody virtue-signaling and trying to hop onto whatever the latest bandwagon of fad is, ditching people left and right, ruthlessly, in hopes to score some favor from those “in power”…

…thus completely obliterating the Principle of the Left-Hand Path, which should be “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me!”

It’s become literally “I will do whatever you say just to rub shoulders with the right people”

This ain’t spirituality folks. This be attention-whoring. (There is a lot of whores out there, but only Demetrius Triarius admits to being one.)
Wanna see an example of how we have actually become LESS radical, and more accepted by the larger society?

People are burning down churches in Canada, as revenge for the mass torture and rape of the Native kids in Catholic schools. But only the hardcore metal fans are cheering for it. Not one prominent “influencer” on the Left-Hand Path scene. Because what?

Because we are de-radicalized. We have gone mainstream. It´s not underground anymore. I wanna revive that spirit of the 1900s and the early 2000s. It’s the spirit that matters. The rock and the punk is just a theme.

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.


  1. Well, this was prophetic wasn’t it? I can’t disagree with much of what you have written. Look at the hypocrites now… they preached about amorality for years and now they are running scared in full damage control. The back-peddling is hilarious. Crying and begging their followers to stay with them. Playing the victim. Now they are ethical. lol And their followers are clearly mostly just an army of sycophants, weaklings, and coat-tail riders. This is the mainstream LHP? LOL It’s just another cult with a bunch of mindless, weak sheep. Azazel told one certain ‘guru’ that he came to give them swords.. He wanted division. He wanted a brutal test to see who are the strongest. But the guru ignored that. They really just want to keep everyone under them, so they can market to them and keep making money, and MOST importantly, to reinforce that guru delusion they made for themselves as the ‘chosen one’. Got to keep people believing in that at all costs! Drug addicts aren’t masters of anything but hiding from the worst parts of themselves. You can take that to the bank. The followers will keep following.. that’s what followers and asskissers do. You would have to be a total imbecile not to see who has the real power and who doesn’t in this ‘community’. As within, so without. It’s good to see that not everyone are idiots and coattail-riders and will call bs when they see it. Thumbs up.

    • Yes, we have been brutally tested, as a collective. Will we stand up and rise, or buy the snake oil, and become part of another one-man cult. EA Koetting has become a tyrant, treacherous snake, and hilariously enough, I have seen him spoke those very words quite openly. And nobody noticed. The joke is really on them, the followers and the sheep. He just played his role in history. Because ya know, playing the good guys always ain’t as much fun.

    • Conversely yes, I have noticed there is weird prophetic power in my writing. Especially with the poems, which are by their nature more ritualizes, stuff tends to manifest in future, much like a prophecy or a spell would.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…