Lucifer the Prince of Darkness
Lucifer the Prince of Darkness

Don’t Make Pacts With Lucifer

I speak of forging a Pact with Lucifer and why you shouldn't do it.

So for all those who were curious about forging a Pact with Lucifer, and ask for my recommendations. I actually recommend – don’t. I advise against making Pacts with Lucifer.

He is a harsh mistress to serve and gets displeased quite often when His plans do not work out. He is interested in nothing less than excellence and expects you to be His Champion, and take some damage. Total submission would be perhaps a harsh way to describe what he requires of his True Folk, but I am also not far from the mark when I use these words. He seems to agree and actually wants me to put out this negative advertisement.

“Even the Furies of Hell the Sisters of Hecate will treat you better than I have treated mine those who have signed up with me have given up all comforts of their Souls and have traded it for Glory.”

Unless you are like Him, you will not withstand this turmoil and pressure. He also wants to stand always on the front stage of history so he recruits those who have a Shine who do not mind the limelight on them and attention. He is not a spirit who works in the dark who shies from the spotlight. My advice… Unless you have a Major Soul Contract with His Infernal Majesty already from past incarnations, just forget it.

Lucifer is extremely political. He is always plotting. He is the Lord of This World, and the kind of game he plays is a big game, which makes him seem extremely utilitarian, even callous. He is all about moving the figurines on the chessboard, he is hella impatient and passionate about his plans. He considers other deities too inflexible in their thinking, or pussies. His favorite word actually, for he despises cowards more than anything else.

Your bravery must be absolute on this path.

There is probably a better Alliance you could forge with other Infernals, or just work with Demons freely without Contracts. Oh and… let us not forget. More than any other deity, he will make the best use of anything you give him, he will move in like a biker gang occupying abandoned property if you give him one inch he will take your arm he is too smart to be outsmarted.

Even Demons do not trust him. He told me,

“There is nobody I haven’t screwed over walking on this planet – man, woman, spirit. I have played them all.”

He is extremely cunning, so either you are going to like that, or you are going to choose another patron who gives you a more maternal face. He also straight-up likes to screw folks over with Pacts, boil them over the small print and the legalese. I have a hilarious story about this where a man asked for a wife, built his entire pact around it, only to find out months later that the wedding ceremony he had was not legally binding – so you can have your cake, and eat it too…

What else…. oh, he loves to expose his Servants to physical pain, and expects you not to pussy out. Devotees have reported that when he is displeased, they wake up in the morning feeling as if somebody beat them up with a stick. He once threw me against a concrete ice-cold pavement just to make a point about not breaking an Oath of Silence.

So…. you all wanna make a Pact with the Devil. The Prince of Darkness himself. Still sounds like a good idea?

Contrary to popular perception, he doesn’t care about sex, and getting people laid. He cares about forging powerful alliances, creating power couples that will serve him, and passing on his Current and his lineages even if that means somebody will be holding a single man vigil the entire night until they pass out. It is absofuckinglutely certain that he *will* bring you past your willing comfort zone if you sign up to serve him – or if you have signed up in the past, and have not found your way out of His Covenant.

He can grant you glory, fame, and fortune, esoteric secrets, occult abilities, even a certain form of immortality but you have to become like Him, and that is probably *not* who you are, or what you want to become, anyway.

So choose carefully, because when you serve the Devil, you serve the Devil, and there is no rest for the wicked.

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.

1 Comment

  1. There is much to admire and respect – from afar – in a Lucifer’s world-view. Temptingly so, I fear. Who would not settle for less that excellence in all things? And there are some who relish centre-stage, plotting and concomitant backstabbing. But hubris is a terrible thing as it really is not possible to get it 100% right all the time, even the most devious of us.
    So, I’ll settle for occasional service if Lucifer can use one in passing – which, of course, he does – but never indentured labour! Why risk it?
    As for pussies or, possibly, pussie-dom, I’d suggest that that avoidance of the same is one of the defining touchstones which mark us out.
    Excellent writing, as ever!

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