Dark Priestess Invokes the Black Sun with Candles
Dark Priestess Invokes the Black Sun with Candles

When Initiation Calls

A Word of Caution About Initiation Spoken In Jest...

When Spirits say ‘Initiation’…

Especially ‘A Really Big Initiation’…


Run for your life.

What they mean is you will soon be lying in a pool of your own blood and other bodily fluids facing your nightmares seeing all that you hold dear and sacred dissolve.

There is no shame in being a coward.

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…