Vodanoy, Lord of the Water Realm

A rare account of one of the dark Gods of Old Slavs.

Vodnik (”The Water Man”) is perhaps the most famous of dark Slavic spirits. As the cranky and dangerous lord of the water realm, he rules over the souls of those who had drowned. He keeps them in jars, and when he finally decides to set them free, they pop up to the surface in the form of a water bubble. To enter his realm usually meant one´s fate was sealed, and they could only return among the living if they came up with some incredible wits or a high price. Rarely, he will take a shine to some unfortunate human who stumbled into his realm and teach them mysteries.

He rules over a tremendous empire that spans riverbeds, creeks, and lakes where he has palaces of crystal, and herds of all animals. In wintertime, he rests in his underworld realm, sleepy and stagnant. In spring he awakens and stirs, just as the water springs awaken, and brings fertility, and also the risk of floods. Just like his Greek counterpart Hades, Vodanoy has an insatiable lust and a thing for kidnapping women, whom he takes down to be his brides. Vodanoy´s wedding then manifests as raging elements. Just as other dark deities, he was venerated mostly in the form of appeasing sacrifice. Mill owners sacrificed him black pigs to prevent him from breaking the dams. Other sacrifices include black ducks, black chicken, cats, or loaves of bread. In times of dire need, he was given a black horse dressed with honey.

Vodanoy is thought to be a nighttime spirit, afraid of lightning. He appears as a cranky old man, or an attractive young fellow. He can turn into frogs, fish, snakes, or any water-related animal.

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…