Black Magician for Hire
Black Magician for Hire

Under the Sinister Influence

Black Magician for Hire Speaks of Drugs, Alcohol, and Influence Magic

Doing magick on alcoholics and drug addicts is tricky because you are trying to influence something that is already ‘under influence’. Pun intended. It makes them ten times more unstable, likely to lash out, spiral into violence, things of that nature.

Scenarios abound that will likely produce either a final death spiral in which addiction plays the lead role, or being shocked into sobriety. Depends on the spell and the True Inner Will of the target.

Conversely, in a relatively sober person, the use of substances will break other influence effects produced by magick. My friend told a rather famous story of a man who was spotted running around Walmart in a state of inebriated clarity screaming at innocent bystanders, and pulling their shirts, “She is a witch! She is a witch! She has me spellbound!”

This might be the explanation for another anecdotal wisdom passed around among the witches where it is not unheard of for people to start drinking when they are subjected to another’s magic. It is their will subconsciously seeking to push away the magical influence by another influence. It is called ‘spirit’ for a reason…

This is the ugly side of magic, when the clients get to see how the target of their spell obediently returns back home, but they only ever see them silent, drinking, or crying while playing video games. Then they come back to us to complain that this is not what they ordered. As sorcerers, we must point out to them their folly, that is exactly what coercion by magic is known for, that it will never force a person to love you just because you think it can. Magick with a K, unlike the Disney variant of magic, cannot conjure up little girl fantasies. The same happens for men of course, where you get the woman you want, but she stops eating and sleeping, withering in front of your eyes in a silent scream, a scream that is her accusation. Women will often turn to all kinds of pills in order to fight the influence of black magic. When the black magic is strong and the target is unwilling but prone to addiction, they will enter a downward spiral, fighting the magic off while succumbing to addiction as they can be subjected only in a weak state of mind. It’s amazing where some people are willing to go in order to get their stupid wishes, but I guess if they don’t find the sight of their Works of Darkness appalling, then who are we, as Black Magicians for hire, to sway them otherwise? They will get to lie in the beds they made with the use of black magic. As one Black Witch said, ‘Who am I to deny them the full experience of their free will. That would be the greatest blasphemy, for me to do that.’

Yet another curious scenario I’ve witnessed is when the conjuring party gets their victim addicted, which makes their spells flow better. This combination of chemical and spiritual mind control has been perfected throughout history and is still in use today, and is possibly the most sinister form of influence magic in existence. It is also perpetrated on populations on a large scale, but let’s not go there.

Forcing subjects to abandon addiction by ways of coercion is sometimes the last resort that desperate loved ones come to, and request from us witches. It is known well to produce the most dire results where the person who really doesn’t want to abandon their evil ways will simply switch from one substance to another – I have seen a stoner woman turn to alcohol and become violent with her boyfriend after he had her magically bound and denied her access to weed. She remains bound, but will likely lose her relationship, and everything, hit the rock bottom before she succumbs to the spell.

This is, of course, not what loved ones expect when they consult us, good witches. But it has to be done. If the person is non-cooperative, and in deep denial, abusing others, any kind of healing magic will not work on them and will become just a wasted effort. Plus their lashing out and abusive ways towards others, and the damage they are doing, must be stopped, so the binding is, in fact, necessary.

So, in closing, be sure that you stand by what you are doing to them, because that is what you are doing to them. For better, or worse, in sickness and death…

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.

1 Comment

  1. How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb?
    Only one but, the light bulb has to want to change.
    Decisions decisions…

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