I would go to hell and back
With you
I said I would go to hell and back with you
And so you let me know
That is where we are
About to go
I would go to hell and back
For you
I said that I would go to hell and back for you
And now I know
That is where I need to go
Because that is where you are found
You said
This world is a dark dark place
You said
That most people have no idea
What this world is about
You said
That the end is coming
So how do you go from that place into the light?
Only by the grace of god
The god you know nothing about
Only by the grace of god
Who has betrayed you
Only by the grace of god
The same god who said
Blessed are the ignorant
Blessed are the meek
And the stupid
…Most of all
In moments of darkness
You pray to the god that is not there
That he makes his absence more visible
You don’t like it
For the fallen to hold onto false hopes
The faith of the fallen
There is no glory in defeat

To Hell and Back
A poem about dark places you go to for somebody you love.
Beautiful and poignant. Life gives us many opportunities to live in two homes. Love seems to be the most common reason to travel between them.