Archangel Michael Victorious Brings Light
Archangel Michael Victorious Brings Light

This Is War

The Great Spiritual War of Kaliyuga

Black Magicians:

“Don’ t send me any of this alleged exposure it is immature and dignified adults with honor resolve their disputes in private”

Also Black Magicians:

“I have a ritual to do, some bloke paid me to murder his ex-wife or some reviewer online. Also, I gotta test those death machines on animals and plants first…”

What the fuck is wrong with you people.

I prefer the unhinged, and the greedy, the power-hungry who are out there for conquest to those who are putting on a pretty face, virtue-signaling with their calls for civility… which just like anything they could say, are going to fall on deaf ears here. I have zero respect for people who have gone so far they live and practice the Dark Arts the way I just described, and there are MANY.

It would be a bit different if they just did their evil shit in private, alone in a warlock’s tower. But the afore-described types have disciples, clients, and followers. They run their Occult Orders, while at the same time are in full attack mode and do not hesitate to sabotage anyone who doesn’t run with them and their clique.

I have seen this happen over and over, where the good people, the actual Priesthood, are torn down and sidelined by the crooks who rely on brute force and abuse of power.

What dawns on me now, and what I was perhaps not willing to accept before because of the implication, is that THIS IS WAR.

A spiritual war. It contains all of us.

It is also our war for survival. We can’t thrive in an environment like this.

It is a war that must be fought.

This is our homeland. There is nowhere we can retreat from here.

We are the Black Magicians, the Occultists on the Left-Hand Path. There is nowhere else to go. The war must be fought here.

It is a spiritual war that is not about one person, about somebody’s beef with someone. This war is over a toxic, rotten milieu that has taken hold of the Left-Hand Path spiritual community.

We were given all these amazing tools and new technology to connect with Brothers and Sisters worldwide. But we are not using them to Ascend, because these Networks of Wickedness have been sabotaging us, stifling us, breaking our spirit into submission, and acquiescing with such levels of evil that the whole point of spiritual growth has been lost.

It is a kind of enemy that cannot be reasoned with. It must be defeated by force. Otherwise, there will be no community. No peaceful growth. No place to go, other than the place we are stuck with, and the beds we’ve made there.

“I don’t see any other option than victory.”

Kurtis Joseph

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

1 Comment

  1. So many people commit themselves believing they are on the correct side. They want to be one of the “cool kids”, they want to align themselves with the winning team. They are in reality worse off than sheep, they are fish swimming in school lying to themselves that there is safety in numbers. There is safety in numbers, in a true covalent union, not in a “school of fish” to be devoured by predators. This is called “posturing” and it is pathetic. This is what is written in the book of Revelations where the “weeping and gnashing of teeth” is mentioned. I am disgusted by people like this for they are hiding in what they think is their safety. You can run but you cannot hide.

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