The River of Blood

Lucifer speaks of the rushing torrent that is the world events of now.

When one views History, it appears like a river of the blood of soldiers and innocents. This is true, however, LIFE happens on the edges of that river, where people make homes, gardens, families, create art, find joy, make love and find meaning & purpose.

Lucifer spoke…

Nothing can stop in any significant way that which is unfolding.

The great river of karma is being played out, a rushing torrent that if one were to resists one’s role in witnessing it, it will dash you against the rocks until you surrender.

Surrender to the flow state.

Surrender to the fact that where you have power is within your own life, within your own purpose, and in your small circle.

Take comfort that much of what is unfolding was destined long ago.

Find your inner place of stillness and the peace that passeth understanding. From that place of power take action for yourself and your loved ones. This will be enough.

This will lead you through the Great Bottleneck and into the dawning Yuga.

The great changing of Ages is underway and nothing can stop it.

Many of the Old Ways, especially those of tyranny and harm to children will not pass forward into the New Era.

Protect the art, knowledge, and that which you love.

This will be enough. The divine unfolding will occur as it is meant to.

The Humbling River

Nature, nurture, heaven, and home
Sum of all, and by them, driven
To conquer every mountain shown
But I’ve never crossed the river

Braved the forests, braved the stone
Braved the icy winds and fire
Braved and beat them on my own
Yet I’m helpless by the river

Angel, angel, what have I done?
I’ve faced the quakes, the wind, the fire
I’ve conquered country, crown, and throne
Why can’t I cross this river?

Pay no mind to the battles you’ve won
It’ll take a lot more than rage and muscle
Open your heart and hands, my son
Or you’ll never make it over the river

It’ll take a lot more than words and guns
A whole lot more than riches and muscle
The hands of the many must join as one
And together we’ll cross the river

‘Humbling River’ by Puscifer

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.


  1. Deeply insightful, as ever, with jewels dripping from your pen. The core at the heart of His message is one that might be ignored at ones peril: it is pertinent, especially, to His followers and servants.
    Reading your last FB posts, it sounds as though this is from, and to, the heart.đź–¤

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