Today, I received a booking for my Pact Making service, and, just as suspected, there was no payment attached to it. Only demands. I cannot easily express how dangerous this mindset is, and where it leads – but as a dutiful Devil’s Advocate, I will try to convey this message as a warning to ‘All Those Similarly Situated.’
First off, this has nothing to do with greed, or insulting me. I get insulted every day. It’s got everything to do with Pacts.
Somehow, even the cheap and stupid people never try to book a Past Life Reading, expecting from me to deliver it for free, but the folks booking Pacts… they just.. do it. People who come to me demanding pacts somehow feel they should not be asked to pay Hell and its emissaries.
Which is, naturally, a hellishly bad idea.
I try to warn them. I warn them all the time, because that is exactly how Pacts are contracted – when you make a demand from Hell, and you don’t back off upon hearing ‘the warning’, when it has been insinuated to you that there are conditions, and there will be a price, and you fail to back down, YOU WILL HAVE FORMED A PACT.
Sometimes, Demons will come to you offering something they noticed you want. They will start soliciting you. It’s easier to act on these offers than to refuse them full-heartedly.
My point is, making Demonic Pacts is easy. It’s easy for a reason. Anyone stupid with poor self-restraint can to it, and it happens all the time. You don’t need me for it.
That’s not what the $200 is for.
That money is for obtaining legal counsel that makes sure that you do not follow the ranks of the stupid who will only take a Pact to sign off their liberty to Hell like a dumb ass tourist who fell for the most common scam.
It is my belief that whenever people go as far as expressing by their deeds that they DO NOT want this counsel, they have effectively lost their right to legal counsel, which is, of course, what Hell wants. The goal of Demonic Pacts is the same it’s been, as ever – to keep Hell full by devouring the stupid.
Most Black Magicians are not Lawyers. They’re Salesmen. Peddlers of faery dust, these Wall Street types thrive off selling pipe dreams to the already delusional, who are getting rich on paper, ‘…while we are pocketing the cold hard cash via commission.’ (The Wolf of Wallstreet, Martin Scorsese, 2013)
The services of an Attorney are, truth be told, not always appreciated, even if they were free. When the people you’re advising are the county jail population, they’re gonna spit on your face. They will even try to punch you, if don’t get them what they want – whether it’s realistic, or not. I am used to all that.
What metaphysically happens when people send me a booking for a Pact without payment, is, their Pact gets signed in to the books. That’s what ‘booking’ means, see, Hell is very legalistic and runs all on the small print. You have booked a Pact, and refused to pay for it as the first thing. You stated your demands. You did so against explicit warning, ignoring my every instruction. Mephistopheles smirks on the file, and files it under ‘The Worst Place’. Now, let’s talk about this… Worst… Place, and where is it, and what happens to people who are there.
(Some people seek to make deals with Demons, but deny the existence of Hell, which only provokes hysterical tears in me. Go on. )
The Worst Place, also known as the Pit, is commonly known as the Ring of Pride, the Mother Of All Sin and it’s ruled by Lucifer himself.
It’ a place where nothing ever goes right, where magic constantly turns against you, where divination lies, it’s full of self-righteous wrath and failed ambition, failure and humiliation, which is, however, mostly felt by those close to the trapped person, and not them, because they, stuck in the Deepest Pit of Hell, are in vehement denial. Their belief in their own innocence and their own greatness creates Delusions of Grandeur, a common affliction among fanatics of every sort. It’s a lonely place of delusional people preaching one over other, self-righteous fanatics. It’s a cold place and it’s very cruel. There is no human touch, no communication and no decency.
The people who pass through my desk with the stamp from the Ring of Pride will badger themselves in there whether I do something, or not.
It’s not about the money.
It’s their Entitlement.
Entitlement is a form of Pride. It’s a very dangerous idea that you deserve something, just because, well, because…? Because of you. You. Nothing else exists in the mind of the Entitled. Other people.. Spirits… Nature, Law, Traditions, Manners… nothing matters. Pride is so deep because it opposes the entire Metaphysical Order where one person thinks they know, they deserve, they are flawless, the entirety of existence only exist to serve them.
They usually become the next fallen YouTube star who got infamous because they wrote an unsalable, illegible novel only they believe to be the greatest piece ever, and oppose their critics venomously in a thread of 10,000 comments to their Amazon reviews… thus breaking the database. (This is a real story.)
True Pride never gives up. Never back down. In the face of absolute loss and disgrace, they band together with the similarly affected, forming little cults in defiance of truth, in defiance of reality, cults against reason. They fall under this illusion that if just one person shares their delusion, then it must be truth.
Unfortunately, enabling the client’s dangerous delusions is NOT a Lawyer’s job. Lawyer’s job is to mediate between their client, and the bureaucracy of justice. And they can do so only if you’re cooperative. And, well, would it be too rude to insist you pay them…?
Sometimes, I like my whoring better, because, cheap and scummy as men are, none of them REALLY expects a beautiful woman who is a total stranger will give them sexual entertainment on demand for free. The Ring of Lust is Selfish, but it’s a shallower part of Hell. It retains a connection to Nature. There is still a semblance, a reminiscence of human connection, of customs. It’s not a terrible place, until you catch Entitlement.
The residents of Deep Hell feel so entitled they book my most expensive service, fully convinced they deserve it, and they will pay for it, ‘maybe’, ‘afterwards’, ‘later, ‘if they like it’ or ‘if they get satisfied in their demands from the Pact.’ Between the lines, they always always express this unspoken attitude that I should be courting THEIR favor and seeking their permission, that I should prove myself to them, that I should accept any treatment from them, and I am just like… Why?
Didn’t I make it clear who I represent? I am a friendly Devil, but I have fun messing with people who keep insulting the Craft. I rule Treachery Amongst the Black Lodge, and those who express zero appreciation for their brothers, who lack brotherly spirit, do no deserve the Black Lodge work for them. They will find themselves betrayed by it. Lonely. Abandoned. I told you it’s a lonely place.
Well, already are, they just didn’t get the memo.
Quite astounding and a perfect illustration of an astonishing degree of stupidity: more fool they for ignoring the laws of daemonic economy which are just as real as those of the material world as it currently manifests.
The big surprise is that individuals wishing to make a pact don’t realize at the time they ask that there is a price, and even more, that they’d deny the existence of Hell. (Ooops! A bit like denying the existence of witchcraft.) And this even when it’s made clear that there will be a price to pay: one is always warned beforehand. Stupid, really, to ignore that warning.
The bottom line is ‘be careful what you wish (ask) for. You may well get it.’
I think that you show extraordinary patience. But, there again, you are forearmed with the knowledge that such cretins are going to suffer in any case.
I am not really patient, LOL. I wish I was, but I would say I am more ‘resilient’. As in, I continue this ministry out of vengeance, waging a ‘war against stupid’ (Belial said)
I find it lovely and proper that ‘cretin’ was an insult borne out of patronizing white lie, when as mentally retarded person was regarded as ‘a good Christian’. As in, when you had nothing good to say about your neighbour, you’d say ‘well he is a good Christian’ and thus it became the insult.