Infernal Union of Lucifer and Lilith
Infernal Union of Lucifer and Lilith

The Infernal Union of Lucifer and Lilith

The Infernal Soulmate Union and How to Achieve It

Embodying the union of Lucifer and Lilith, as many Black Magicians have discovered, is exceedingly difficult.

Lucifer, to begin with, is not really a cooperative spirit. He seeks dominion, knowledge, and liberation from the bonds of material culture. At the same time, he is very invested in rulership and moving the figurines across the chessboard big style. He is the First Lawyer and the Architect. Very impressive, but quite the douchebag.

Even though he is depicted as ruling Hell with Hecate as His Queen, my personal perception is that Hecate is a way older spirit than him, quite different, and is actually more of his Mother. I have never seen them mate. Only seated on their thrones.

Lucifer’s mate is Lilith. Here comes the real confusion. Initiates of the secret esoteric Voudon all told me, that ‘Hecate is the wife, Lilith is the Mistress.’ When I asked which is then more important, I was told the answer through another question –

‘When a man has both a wife and a mistress, who do you think he confides more?’ From my own life experience, I concluded it is the mistress.

Now comes the whole Lilithian structure, which is an independent woman, castaway, a woman who won’t live, but more often can’t live by the orders of society. The Lilithian Coven engages in unabashed domination of men through spells and sex. There is no love in this kind of union, for love can only exist when there are equals.

How do you put Lilith and Lucifer together? It is unlikely for such union to be formed, unless both have gone through intense communion with the Spirits, for many years. Much needs to be learned from different encounters with men and women.

Lucifer will choose to give Her a dignified place in His life, perhaps acting more as a Protector than a Tyrant, keeping His mistress hidden not out of shame and control, or because he fails to recognize how much she means for him, but because He honors Her own sacred space and wants Her to feel comfort.

Lilith must recognize that her own obsession with men stems from an intense desire to experience powerful men, and have interactions with male power, which will often come in the humiliating sort of way. She will recognize that ending up as the eternal mistress or prostitute, always being shamed and exploited, comes from her own lack of standing in Her power and that this is what she must do. When she embodies Her true feminine strength, strength, having power struggles with men won’t be necessary anymore. She can face anyone now, standing in her power, even the most powerful one in this world, without the fear/desire to be subjugated.

…and so these two Infernal Spirits will likely form some non-traditional union, based in something else than romantic love because that is not where they feel most comfortable at. Be it artistic, business, or intellectual connection, they will try to build a bridge through their own dominions in order to reach each other and connect.

From this place, after spending much resources on figuring out the perfect arrangement, they will one day realize that none if this matters…

…and that true liberation comes from surrendering to their union.

The End a.k.a. Happily Ever After

Maybe, for a short while, the Infernal Union lasts

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

1 Comment

  1. I was once a slave to a very malevolent Domimatrice. It took some time to see but I finally realized that although She was highly intelligent, articulate and very very attractive, She treated all her possesions and property with little to no regard. Sbe had no desire to “care for” the many wealths She had obtained. She only exhibited the gluttony for more.
    I destroyed my collar and swore to myself I would not ever be a slave again. I am, as we all are, still a slave, but I slave only for Satan. We are all HIS whether we wish to acknowledge HIS possesion or not. As HIS property we can thrive by being a possesion that brings HIM HIS joy or we can sit on HIS shelf and become dusty and umwanted. No dust has ever settled upon me.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…