The Fate of the Tyrants

An allegory for the New Age about the tyrants' fall. What happens on the macrocosm is lived out in the microcosm as well.

Tyrants cannot tolerate anyone around them to be empowered, and a person of integrity.

So over time, they find themselves surrounded only by weaklings and turncoats.

They concentrate real grit and power among their enemies, of which they made many.

They make the previously divided come together, under one banner of liberty.

That is the role of tyrants in history. Bad guys have a role to play too.

Playing allways the good guys is boring.


Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…