The Condition of Magic

Sometimes, the condition of magic is exceedingly difficult, for a reason.

Sometimes, spirits will give the magician a nearly impossible task or a condition to fulfill in order to hear his petition. This might be an ingredient difficult to obtain, or any kind of feat that is out of immediate reach. What I have learnt is that it is always for a higher good when such conditions are present.

For example, I was told a spell will come into full effect if the items are buried in a specific place, a place that was for every practical consideration out of reach for me, and to get there would present a real ordeal of time and money. Often, these places are outright dangerous and cannot be reached without special equipment, skill, or by breaking the law.

Months have passed, and I unexpectedly found myself in a position where the Disposal of the Ritual was finally possible. A number of friends came to me, all at once, and said, “Hey I know a place like this, it is hundreds of miles from where you are, but I will fly over and we will hike out” or even “I will drive you there”. We would be driving there for days. That was touching, and I could feel something shifted. It was finally in my reach… but here’s what happened. The desire to finish the spell has gone. Dreams revealed to me that it was not a proper way to address the situation, and new perspectives emerged.

So I said, fuck it.

We won’t do this Pilgrimage of Evil to the Pits of Hell. We’ll do Vegas or something funny. I burned the object on my front porch, just as a bunch of crows flew by, from the direction of South to North, signaling the end of struggle, wealth, and blessing. The evening laid out its first soothing hours after a day of scorching heat, and I felt just fine.

‘I shall leave vengeance up to the gods’

Count Monte Christo

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…