The Black Magic Love Conundrum

What does the warlock never have? The fairy tales and legends tell the truth.

What does the warlock never have? The fairy tales and the legends all tell us the truth…

The Black Magician may be beautiful (or hideous), he may have armies, fortunes, and glamour, he might even be adored and worshipped by the masses, with supernatural physical strength, but one thing he does not have is Love.

His heart is locked in a cage that is hidden within an egg that’s been eaten by a rabbit, and that rabbit´s to be found in a bird´s nest on the highest tree on the tallest mountain of an island that lies in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by many dangers, so that only the bravest hero can ever reach it.

The Black Heart that remains in his chest is rotting away, and it emanates a toxic aura that spreads fear to everyone he has touched, making people crazed and bringing the worst in them to the surface.

Trust me, I have seen it. I have seen my rotting black heart, and it wasn´t pretty. Others have seen it too, and they sure didn´t like what they saw, because you get used to your own stench after a while, but coming across others brings the horrors of the night back into the limelight.

It´s difficult to look there, even if you go forward, questing for the missing answers. I had to use a medium twice because I just couldn´t bear the sight of something I had done in a past life, that was still smoking out people from my life and making them go crazy.

The reason why there is little loyalty and trust among the Black Magicians, and almost no Love, is the vibration of Black Magic is furthest from the Core.

The Universe vibrates around the frequency of Free Will. Whenever this free will is diminished by spells and influences, and especially when a Soul is deprived of further development and exercise of their own Free Will by premature death, something contracts in the Universe, and a Crack is formed. A wound, so to say, that will seek itself to heal, and that wound, my friend, is what makes it impossible to manifest True Love, that is until it is healed out of existence. You will be meeting the same people, and running the same errands, until eventually, you get sick and tired of stepping over the same bad mojo and decide to step out of it.

Surprisingly enough, I am trying to lay the ground argument here that you cannot manifest True Love with the use of Black Magic, and for some that will be a “controversial” finding.

Anyone who doesn´t see this turns their eyes away from the wisdom of the Ancients. Either, they don´t practice Black Magic, after all, or they are hypocrites and cowards. Cowardice is not a very common affliction among the Black Magicians, so I´ll go with hypocrisy here just for the sake of argument.

The Black Magicians who are not lucidly and proudly bearing the banner that says “We Are Alone and We Know It & We Are Fucked” are lying to themselves by omission, or they exhaust enormous energy on keeping up pretenses which are for the most part bought only by those similarly afflicted. For everyone else, it´s hard to escape the facts.

The kidnapped princess that is held under lock and key, until she breaks, that is not love. That´s Stockholm syndrome. When a girl stays with you just because you sabotaged her life to the point where she is unlikely to be able to fend for herself, that is not love. When she is there because you give her drugs, it is again not of her free will.

The imagery I chose is traditional and ancient, for Black Magic is essentially, a Male Order, dedicated to the Powers of Destruction, rather than those of Creation, but this same karmic pattern has been embodied by women too… to a lesser extent. A woman´s slavery op will be different. She might make herself be always needed, indispensable for comfort, or lust, she may gnaw on your resources in a million ways and your own sanity. In the end, it is just a more covert way of undermining the man´s Free Will and it will not last, not unless there is a mutual agreement to remain in a low vibration, or if one of the Souls is so stuck on vengeance that they do not mind sinking themselves with it.

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.

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