Soulmates, Twin Flames, and Karmic Connections

On the three types of special Soul Connection.

The nature of these connections is similar, but in the end, the results are very different.


Your Soulmate is the person you feel more at peace with, and in a state of natural harmony. Due to the nature of karma, and how we repeat our dramas, this person may not always be present in your life as a sexual partner, they might actually be a spiritual peer or a friend. The two of you only come together in times of peace, and out of Free Will. There is no obligation, no duty, and sadly because the nature of the Soulmate relationship is *not* binding, this means that your other types of connections are given precedence, but if you sift through enough of them, and both Soulmates made a true desperate call to be united, they can be. My current husband is my Soulmate, and this is what Lucifer told us:

In the times we currently live in, Soulmates can mostly only be together at peace if they together agree to carry out some kind of spiritual service for others. Our times are extremely non-conducive to peaceful harmonious connections, and this is the reason why it is so difficult to manifest love.

Soulmate Connections require the least attention because when they cannot come together in a harmonious way, they will avoid each other for time being. Soulmates don´t want to create negative karma between themselves, for theirs is a union of mutual harmony.

These are the people from your past whom you still love, and remember fondly, but for one reason or another, you just cannot be together in this life. These reasons have little to do with your connection, it can be curses or karma, or other oaths that one of you must now follow through, and for the other to get involved would cause them too much strain. This type of connection doesn’t force you together.

Twin Flames

Twin Flame is a type of Soul Contract that some of us take on when we want to experience extreme growth and Ascension. This type of Soul Contract is taken by powerful souls, who swear to one another “I will always propel your Ascent.”

As you can imagine, this type of thing can get pretty dicey on planet Earth during the Dark Age of Kaliyuga.

It might mean that the person will do nasty things to you, in order to challenge you, and always happen to resurface with new bullshit, showing you a mirror, triggering the hell out of you, et cetera. They might have the exact same issues as you do and manifest actually as an enemy, rather than a partner, or a lover turned enemy, or somebody you despise but at the same time, feel a strange compulsion and fascination towards them. Twin Flames also take on difficult missions together.

It is useful to contemplate these relationships as a mirror, for you will always recognize yourself in them.

Because of this, Twin Flame bonds tend to manifest extremely potent sexual, and telepathic connections. There is also a sense of competitiveness, and wanting to win over one another. If you ever ask yourself, “Why are you doing this to me?” well duh, it´s cause the two of you have an ancient Soul Contract. Suck it up, buttercup! Twin Flame is often putting you through incredible shit, to make you stronger, and forcing you to overcome duality, and yourself. When this connection is lived in a more self-aware way, there is actually a surprising sense of gratefulness. My first husband, among others, is my Twin Flame. He screwed me over in terrible ways, but strangely I always felt like it was bound to happen, for me to accept there is Evil in this world, and to accept my personal responsibility. He also force-showed me some beauty that I would never dare to experience, so I actually felt an overall feeling of gratefulness.

Karmic Partnerships

Karmic Partners can be bound to you through numerous oaths, from oaths of marriage in a previous lifetime, to oaths of vengeance, untimely separation, bond between siblings, parents, and children et cetera. The most common is actually the familial bond, so your Karmic Partner and you were likely married in a previous life, or were close relatives. Finding that your partner was your parent or child is extremely common. They might also be somebody whom you had screwed over, or they owe you something, which tends to produce less harmonious unions. Conversely, I have seen a few marriages where the people had a history together as a non-romantic power couple, of say ancient warlocks, or wartime allies. This tends to be relived in a big way, for such couples are always at war with someone – waging war together as being wartime allies is all they remember…

Karmic Connections based on ancient oaths of loyalty sometimes just outlive themselves naturally, and then such bonds can even be dissolved by a magical energetic intervention from another, or a simple ritual or spell, and in meditation.

Surviving Your Twin Flame

Here is the tough deal: your Twin Flame´ s business *is not* to make you happy, but to propel your growth. Conversely, this might mean, for example, that they will die tragically so that they free you up for your true life purpose. I have had this happen to me.

A fairly prominent disturbing part of the Twin Flame connection is telepathy that manifests in ample synchronicities and omens. This can make you feel quite crazy, especially if this is a person you have never met, or gotten closer to, or the relationship between the two of you would be inappropriate. I´ve had more clients confide this to me than any other case in the past. You are not crazy, it is real and your Twin Flame´s Soul is doing this, their Higher Self, because that is what they promised to you. They might wake you up with crazy passion from a stagnant (or a perfectly content) marriage, awaken spiritual abilities in you, and force initiation. I have seen all that happen. It is quite the ride, and in one case my client determined that she actually wants this to stop, and revoke the Twin Flame Soul Contract with this man with whom she had a persistent telepathic connection that was bothering her. As far as I can tell, the only way this can be done is when you clear all karma that you two have raked up together and heal it.

You cannot just change your mind right now on the spot until you become completely clean. Your desire and decision to end this must be serious, and mature, and you must be willing to go through a terrible process to achieve it, but it can be done. I have done this for her, and she nearly damn lost her mind as we were doing past life regression every week until we hit a life in which she literally went insane over this man.

In that life, she had sacrificed several children to a witch for a ritual that was meant to ensure that her man returns from war. The witch used her, he did not come back alive, and she lost her mind over this.

The intranquil spirits of the children who were stuck in limbo caused this insanity, as is the risk with killing, and especially human sacrifice. My client had a brief psychotic episode, and things looked extremely dicey.

Fortunately, we had some methods that work even when the client is non-cooperative (almost non-responsive), but this episode showed me that there is indeed such a thing as going too fast, and it should not be pushed beyond a certain threshold, even when the client has balls of fire and steel and demands it.

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.

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