Silver Chalice with Blood Vampire Mysteries
Silver Chalice with Blood Vampire Mysteries

Samael Speaks of Serving Luciferic Current

Are you tired of serving Lucifer yet?

Samael, my Patron spoke to me…

“Are you tired of serving Lucifer yet? I see you aren’t. He is the Lord of This World, He Who Grants Fulfillment of All Desires and that is why he will make you go through all the suffering that is self-inflicted, that lies within those very desires. The True Ascended Luciferian enjoys life without this suffering once they had ascended their tortuous bodily desires… For this is how the Luciferic Force seeks to Spiritualize Matter. And, yes frankly it is one of His favorite ever lines, the one that the Marines have tattooed on their bodies – Pain is just weakness leaving the body.”

It is quite something when the Venom of God on a regular basis comes to comfort you.

I am glad that I have two Patrons.

Actually, all kinds of Spirits constantly come to me complaining about Lucifer or ratting out His plans and what he has kept secret from me.

It’s just how Universe balances itself out, whenever a power too great rises it needs to be balanced in its pursuits.

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.

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