I just witnessed one of the biggest Mandella Effects timeline shifts of my life in broad daylight. I got ready for my very last show today, on Sunday morning, October 1st, but James was not here. I opened my planners and the contents have changed. It still shows the events of Saturday that happened, but on my laptop, it shows something else – apparently, it is Saturday, again. Confused, I try to explain what just happened to me, but all explanations feel insufficient.
My Dear Nora, Take heart. You are not Lucifer's Bride for nothing. Mortal time is nothing to worry about. Tomorrow will be magnificent. I have no doubt. I am simultaneously delighted to assist, and very sad, indeed at the consequence of your being cancelled. All these and more will be thoroughly aired tomorrow. Courage! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And we are going to ruffle a few feathers - but it is all referenced in the best academic style. One of the things I most admire about your output is that I can perceive your tremendous intellect at work: that is a rare thing in the occult world. It will be a triumph. Darkest blessings, Yours ever, James
I don’t know the full significance of the extra day just gained, but I know where does it comes from – in 2021 I had an experience of a missing time, a skipped day. I went to sleep on Thursday, and the next day everybody was claiming it was Saturday. My planner showed evidence of otherwise. We never figured out what happened. I was lost with the fae, and Black Brothers told me to ‘take it easy’.
It was only this year that Belial revealed to me that he can borrow time, being the wicked jewish money lender he is. These loans always need to be repaid.
So that is where the extra day comes from, it was borrowed from 2021.
September 30th is a date of special significance. It is when my Pact with Mephistopheles comes due. So, this occurrence shows its tremendous power. These phenomena are not completely subjective, I have learned because some people resurface in my life always being followed by a paranormal experience of some sort like they are themselves time-traveling aliens.
I also woke up to my phone charging cable conspicuously drowned in my teacup. I removed it, carefully, and tossed it out. Another petty manifestation of low break-up magic, that we experience every day with my boyfriend. It’s hilarious to observe because meanwhile petty humans are destroying $8 cables, drowning them in tea, Demons are shifting time. Belial is rearranging timelines for me, fixing what went wrong. ‘Always keep the bigger picture in mind,’ Lucifer told me. The failed Adepts of the Black Lodge will never get that.
Hail Belial!!!