Power of Magnanimity

The proper mindset determines success in manifesting magic.

You are cursing yourself by envying others you are depriving yourself of the very thing you laid your Evil Eye upon.

For successful manifestation it is important to cultivate a mindset of generosity, giving, and wishing others what you want to manifest.

I have seen people with mediocre psychic talent manifest incredible stuff in their lives just by being charitable and making gratefulness journals.

On the other hand, I have seen a lot of powerful magicians keep drawing blank because they keep a closet full of enemy curses and they keep wondering why they cannot manifest love, inner peace, or health.

My dear warlock brethren, it sucks to be beaten by talentless New Age hippies, but I guess we should keep the hubris out of it and learn as much as we can by observation of the Laws of Magic, without judgment and perfect our knowledge where it is lacking.

Having observed both the Left-Hand Path and the Right-Hand Path magicians for many years, I have arrived at a few conclusions thru experience, one of them being that every single Black Witch out there who professed that forgiveness is a weakness and you never stray from the Path of War, ended up buried under the repercussion of their own actions, in some cases literally homeless, alone, having lost their sanity and health.

For cruelty is not really a strength, it comes with a certain blind spot a lack of discernment.

The material world doesn’t yield to brute force and raw power when taken too far every favor of the Gods is lost, even Alexander the Great had to learn that.

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.


  1. Hello !

    Russian Magicians do this on VK…they share their rune formuals and such for free, the people test it (also normal ones…not only magicians…), and if they work, they get costumers, because they have to show first that they are worth their money. Another advantage is, that you can “directly” react, if someone has a question about a stava…there is no thing as “book an apointment, if you have any questions regarding this”.

    f.e rune formula against cancer:

    Person “A”: (person who asks a question about the rune forumula):
    Does this work for my grandmother, she has “XY” type of cancer ?

    Sometimes only minutes (but more often hours or several days) later

    Person “B”: (the author of the rune forumla or another knowledgeable practitioner)
    Yes/No/Maybe,…if not try “xy”,…e.t.c

    Or f.e if someone tries to use the rune formula for evil purposes, instead of good….you can remind him or her, that this was not created for such a use…or even kick her or him off, and delete his evil idea instantly, so that it does no harm and other people do not get “inspired” by this (koetting could leran from this !!)

    Powerful Rune magicians are quite harsh in their protection methods…if you break some clearly formulated “rules”….their runes will “eat” you…and not only you, if you really have bad luck…

    This system of free share of works is very interesting and unique, but yes, of course there are dangers too.
    Another interesting aspect is, that there are fluid borders between countries and nationalities….

    f.e a russian muslim , will give you a like for a rune formula.
    Slavic Magicians tryring muslim curses,..e.t.c

    Well, yes….i just wanted to tell you this, because it CAN be done….and yes, you are responsible for what you give out, mayve not completely, but to at least 50 %

    It is hard for me to imagine, how any ripe person could say otherwise…maybe a wrong interpretation of LHP mindset (self responsible behavior), or something like that…

    YES, but not everyone id LHP and sane and ripe enough for this way of thinking…

    Some people have very extreme ideas and would easily misuse many rune formulas…even the ones that are
    unmistakably positive in nature !

    I just wanted to give a a few hints how this is handlet in other parts of the world…

    Thank you very much for your very precious time !


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