Penetrating the Veil Between the Worlds

People are now basically asking me whether I perform human sacrifice. The answer is, of course, I do.

So word got out and people are now basically asking me whether I perform human sacrifice. The answer is, of course, I do. All magicians do in some way because nothing comes for free and every gain is the opposite side of somebody´s loss. When questing for Occult Knowledge and Power sacrifice many things, blood, sexual fluids, money, offerings, energy, priorities in life, and even our own sanity.

But to elaborate on the incident that Demetrius Triarius mentions, and as the vigilant listeners caught, I did not disprove him… I did at one time in recent memory ask the Goddess in her Crone form to make it quick for an elderly dying person who was in the hospital. It was at the request of her son, my ex-fiance. Once he learned that his mother was at the hospital again, and seeing her dead relatives reaching out to her through the veil, he just wanted it to be quick. She was calling them, and it was obvious she wanted to be on the other side. She was also a terrible, life-long psychic vampire who had been cursing us in our faces all the time, and who was kept alive for years only by the profiteering machinery of the so-called science. So such sacrifices are driven by mercy, and the need for self-defense as well.

The Gods never take from us anything that we´d really need, and never ask for something that would not benefit us in some way. What modern people, dazzled by Hollywood movies, also do not understand is that in ancient times, the most proper, and preferable sacrifice was *always* the willing one, not coerced as it could anger the Gods and curse the land. To assume otherwise is a huge misunderstanding. In our times, such deeds are nearly always accomplished through non-physical means, through rituals, prayers, devotions, and petitions to the gods. This ensures that Higher Power decides, and the Magician doesn´t put himself at the risk of being consumed by bloodlust and lower energies. Even playing with common curses and baneful magic carries a risk to the magician that he will be consumed by these powers and never get out unscathed.

I am open to discuss these extremely controversial themes, because it seems that nobody does, anymore, and yet YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are chock full of spells and rituals for people to imitate. You need to understand the Principles of the Occult if you are to have any kind of success, and longevity as a Witch.

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.


  1. I do understand exactly what you say, and can find so many parallels in my own life and magical practice. Having foolishly, and without realky knowing what I was doing I called on Set and in the process very nearly destroyed my current physucal incarnation. (I destroyed everything else, reputation, career, marriage, everything.) One really does have to know what one is doing. It is dynamite.

    • Wow. Set… seems to be very relevant to my current incarnation. He is such an obscure deity and yet keeps coming up through so many men around me. I believe He is looking for a new High Priest.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…