Opening The Warlock’s Heart

People don’t know this, but I write poetry.

Poetry is the most difficult art form for me because it’s only born out of the most significant passions.

It is an Art for me, not a Craft. It cannot be ‘Mastered’. I cannot force myself to do it; rather, it flows on its own.

And that’s difficult to admit because as an Artist and a Magician, you want to be the Top, not the Bottom. You rely on your skill, and a certain mastery over this ability to cast compelling illusions.

You pride yourself in it.

Modeling, quite typically, is a Craft for me. It’s a skill set. I am good at it, photographers praise me. I can deliver a variety of looks, I shapeshift, I can become anything. For modeling is acting in 2D. It’s an Act. My Persona as a Model nearly always comes across as Dominant. It’s very public, and it’s made for the show. It loves the spotlight, unlike the Poet in me, who tries their darnest to never be seen.

Art doesn’t become art until it’s shared.

It was Lucifer who told me this. When hidden, it becomes a self-destructive self-indulgence. It’s a clear case of wasting the gift. It is a Sin. I haven’t written a poem in two years, there is a reason for it.

All my poetry was published on this website, but to my shame, I must admit I hid it at some point. I made it so that nobody would find it. This, of course, goes directly against the principles of Dangerous Writing, that I subscribe to, and more broadly, the Left-Hand Path. Go where Angels fear to thread.

So, allow me to fix this moral shortcoming.

I’ll throw in a little unpublished short story too, on a related topic and bare my rotten Warlock’s Heart for the Method’s own sake…

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

1 Comment

  1. I feel the same about poetry, it’s something I can’t force or even practice really, at least that’s never how I approached it. It’s something that flows from me, and usually only in some of my darkest moments full of upheaval, where I just have to get it out.
    I tend to hide it, too – often feels too messy and raw to openly share, but I never saw it as a sin, probably because I never really saw my writings as great to begin with. Poetry isn’t really about being ‘great’ though imo, I see its value more in exactly that raw unfiltered emotional quality that often gives birth to it.

    I enjoy your writing and am gonna check out your poetry, keep going!

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