Lucifer’s Toast to the New Year

Lucifer gives His blessing and hails in the New Year

I raise my glass to all the Brothers and Sisters. I hail in the New Year from the dark. In the darkness, the seeds of consciousness grow. We don’t really know it until we are there.

Stay strong & Don’t fear the Reaper.

There is nothing to fear, really when you welcome pain and discomfort as the purifying agent they are. There is nothing quite like the Liberation that comes from the Self, from within. It is worth every minute of the trials… and it *will* come. The Liberation. Not now, or perhaps not even with your very next attempt, but it will come when all has been readied. Trust me, says Lucifer.

‘Take the risk. Touch the chips. Take the plunge. Don’t leave any money on the table. No, you are not down to your very last cards yet. There is still something, and from that last card, everything might turn for better. The last cards are always mine. You will never know what I have prepared for you, my Child, unless you have played and took the chance, down to your very last breath. It seems like nothing is happening it is because greater things are in motion, and you haven’t found the courage yet. So, go for it. Do not shy away from the pain. It is the only way forward.’

Happy New Year, everyone.

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.


  1. Lucifer will stab you in the back in the end. Lao Tzu said “hold something in reserve. : The boss hires all the mugs to do the dirty work and hopes they all get killed so he can have it all in the end. Think for yourself and challenge authority!

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…