Lucifer’s Definition of the Occult

Lucifer Chimes In To Remind Me of the Basics

People see what they want to see, not what lies in front of them. This is the true meaning of ‘occult’.


Sadly for the majority of my social media following, I am no longer interested in fighting delusional people every day. It took me 4 years to to amass over 20,000 followers on Fakebook and these large accounts are now a source of unsustainable stupidity, so they will be closed on March 31. Stalkers will find somebody else to harass and the few Seekers of Occult Mysteries I am sure are going to find me elsewhere.

What truly makes some of this knowledge occult is when someone cannot understand or comprehend it even when they want to and the knowledge might be right in front of them. It’s why the adage “don’t cast your pearls before swine” holds true to both ends of the profane of those who want to understand it but can’t and those who would fantasize about burning you at the stake.


Anima Noira

Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount if you have been enriched by this content. It will come back to you.

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