Couple in a Passionate Mystical Embrace
Couple in a Passionate Mystical Embrace

Love Is the Weakness

The Luciferian Empire Will Not Be Brought About By Weak Men

“If I ever lose you I will [fill in]”

“You are the only thing in my life holding me”

“I am so afraid to lose you”

“You are the best thing that ever happened to me”

I have heard all these things from men so many times. The correct stuff… not much.

I think it is time for me to embrace Lucifer’s Path, for this… This is a pathetic weakness. Love is not the answer.

When men speak of Love, what they mean is they want permission to cultivate and further spread further their own Weakness. Their pathetic Addiction. Their Insecurities. Their Obsession.

We are Crutches. When we comply with their misguided wishes, out of compassion, out of pressure, or because we ourselves believe this is Love, we do not inspire Greatness. We lost our power as Muses. We have become accomplices to a crime. Often, we are also the Victims. Architect of our own Punishment, and Destruction.

I met a great many powerful Magicians in my life. They all had Power. No doubt about it. But the power they held was more of a single-directional brute force which was masquerading, hiding a completely fragile Self that threatened to fall apart at the gust of wind… even when surrounded by entire Systems of Crutches.

Nobody can live like that. Don’t be a glass cannon.

I am tired of this shit. Fucking Be Men. If you truly want to be with a real woman… that would be a good start.

Nobody knows what it means anymore, because the True Meaning of both Power and Virtue has been lost to us. Men think that Lust is their Power, and nothing could be further from the truth.

Ninety percent of the time, it is not. I have only met a single man in my life who could turn it into power. To everybody else, it was, sometimes a massive, weakness.

Sometimes the most powerful manly thing to do is to bite your own hand and deny yourself all the promise that you saw in me because it was the right thing to do, for us to be together.

I have more respect for those few who did this because they held other commitments which came before me. In the end, they knew right from wrong, and they didn’t want to bind me into the kind of life of shame and misfortune that would await me at the time.

Perhaps in the end the greatest confession of Love that I have heard from a man was that “I cannot confess love to you because love comes with a promise, with a commitment that I couldn’t uphold.”

Much more often I have heard Love thrown around like a Safeword, something that is going to save us both. But will it. I am doubtful.

I had it thrown at me as a ping-pong ball, always with the expectation that it will be instantly thrown back to them, like a ping-pong little ball, helplessly thrown around in the air, never touching the ground.

I have only met a single man who was self-aware of His Love Addiction, so much that he recognized it as His favorite one.

Confusing Virtue and Strenght with Vice can be fatal. It’s a miscalculation that will cost you your life. I don’t care that you don’t like this message.

I am old enough to draw my own conclusions. I am a grown-ass woman now.

Quote About What Love is Not
Quote About What Love is Not

Only one man called me a Witch Queen.

The last man I left because of this Weakness went to drink every day for a month in the parking lot in his car. Then one day he woke up to Himself and realized, this is dumb. He realized he was only hurting himself. Proving nothing to no one. Fixing nothing. Progressing nowhere. Losing His own self-respect. And so he changed direction.

You cannot have a real Woman if you do not have her Respect. You cannot command Respect if you lack Self-Respect. In the end, you cannot have true Self-Respect, when you know deep down inside that you are Weak.

We as women of Lucifer are here to tell you that. It ain’t pretty. The losses are vast. Failure has become a habit, one that Lucifer most seeks most to overcome. The struggle brings us closer to His Kingdom.

The Luciferian Empire will not be built by weak men clutching to women as their straws. Men still sucking momma’s titty who want to be masturbated and coddled while engaging in every meaningless distraction out there. Men who will even enslave women with trickery and magic to have them as accomplices for this failure. Pity…

My Dear Luciferians, the Truth is that We Are At War. We do not have time for weakness anymore. Combat preparedness is all that matters. ‘The Woman of the New Aeon will be armed with a sword.’

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.

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