How To Recall Your Past Lives

Live workshop will be back next year | Get the recorded class now

You can get video of the recorded class now | Live workshop will be back next year

$25 minimum accepted donation [PayPal, Venmo, Stripe]

You will learn a dozen techniques that you can use to trigger the resurfacing of past life memories. I will guide you through my arsenal of tools for exploring your soul history; coming to a deeper understanding of who you are, and why you are the way you are. All of these techniques are safe, they do not require hypnosis, and you can employ them at your own pace.

Workshop runs for approximately 2 hours in a small group of 4-12 participants. You can attend using a microphone, webcam, or listen-and-text mode. You will receive the recording after the event.

Book a Seat

    Related Services –

    I am available for both guided past life regression sessions, and for clairvoyant readings.