Love Magic and Baneful Magick
Love Magic and Baneful Magick

Downside of Love Spells and Reversal Magic

What to expect when you cast a break up spell, or try to reverse magic?

Paradoxical effects can be observed in the early stages of the spell, when it is incubating, or trying to get a foothold in the target. These effects can be anywhere from obnoxious, to outright dangerous, and you just have to keep the faith and suffer through it, if what you cast is what you truly want. Examples…

An unfaithful husband is starting to experience impotence with the mistress after the witch had bound him at the wife’s request. This greatly touched his male ego, so he resorts to drinking, and after one failed rendezvous with the mistress, takes it out on his wife. She is advised by the witch to stay out of the man’s way as much as possible for four weeks. After that, he will succumb, and it will be a good time for the next phase of the spell, perhaps to renew love in the marriage.

WARNING: You can’t cast these things together at once! It would create too much internal confusion. Always keep only one command per person active. You cannot make them love and hate, it is too much and will cause a breakdown in the psyche.

Also, every time you do breakup magic to get your lover to you, the person will at first hate you, because like I previously said they will know subconsciously at you are doing this, that this is somehow coming from you. If *you* wish to have a relationship with the person you are trying to break up, then it is advisable that you have somebody else do the breakup magic, so that you do not create the negative link. They should only feel inviting loving comforting energy from you. If you really want to handle it on your own, then expect a major blowback. They will lash out at you, because you are, let’s face it, destroying their life with your breakup magic. Oftentimes, that is not how the casters or the clients see it, and they need to be reminded of the fact. Perhaps you will give them a better life, perhaps not. Right now you are destroying theirs.

The same warning, by the way, goes for attacks and defense magic. You may think you just want to see your enemy sidelined, and for them to leave you at peace, but when you summon (or reverse on them) a mass amount of negative energy, the first thing that will happen is that they will try to fight it off, and lash out at you in a greater way. They will know it is coming from you, subconsciously, and until you make them submit to the spell and it attaches to them permanently, you will both have to fight over who gets this bucket of shit to have it with them.

Starting wars is way easier than putting a stop to them, once the negative energy is put into motion. All the baneful energy has to manifest *somewhere*.

In the end, somebody will lose their stamina and let go.

Magical wars are taxing, so in real life, damages will be dealt and then people go their separate ways, or even reconcile later. It takes a different kind of justice for everyone. Some will be satisfied by witnessing their enemies’ minor losses, in rare cases, there is hate to death.

Higher power and skill of all involved are what decide the result. Don’t think that any death curse cast out of petty vengeance will manifest. There’d be a lot more dead motherfuckers walking around.

‘Breaking legs is way easier than healing them.’

Anima Noira

Metaphysical Authoress. Harlot. Priestess. Demonatrix. Photo Model and Dangerous Writer. Keeping the Dark Arts alive is what I do. Please, consider a donation of any amount.

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