Demonic Pacts can go wrong in many ways, but especially if the Petitioner is being unreasonable about the things they ask for. Men ask for women who are way out of their league, and unearned riches. Women resort to Demonic Pacts to bind men into relationships, and to get rid of other women.
Demons are smart and they make shit happen. They hardly ever decline a request, and they actively seek out new Pacts.
That alone should tell you that there is no “free lunch”.
Demons will accept nearly every Petition and then deal with it in a way that ensures the loyalty of the Petitioner, and furthers their agendas.
What I am saying is they can compute this, bro. They have been playing 5D chess with mankind for millennia, and you think you´re a smart ass who just discovered life´s biggest shortcut. It´s not the mail order catalog that people think it is. When you want something really badly, as the case is most often with Demonic Pacts, you can probably have it for a short while, at a bad price, or Demons can even screw you over using legalistic wording where your Pact comes true the way it´s written, but not how you expect it and how you mean it. I’ve had it happen. You are dealing with Demons, remember?
They are not doing this for free because they love your pretty ass, but because they are also get something out of it. You are giving them access into your life and to direct your destiny and if you don´t ask the bargain right, the price will become too heavy.
They will always take something from you, even if they don´t ask you straight up while accepting the Pact. You will always serve them in one way or another, and some people sadly will serve them as bait, or a pawn, or a bad example.
Let me tell you a story.
Many years ago I contracted a Demonic Pact on behalf of another Witch, who was, in fact, an older and more experienced Practitioner but as it happens so often, she was helpless in her own matters of love so she constantly badgered everyone in the coven to aid her with magic. Love magic, in general, is a bad idea, so the most we could do was to get her laid while the dude was drunk. He didn’t seem to know her the next day, which made her more miserable than ever. Moving on from common spells and prayers we have all made on her behalf, there were only so many cards left so when another similarly unsuitable love interest came up she decided to waste no time and this time ensure the dude´s commitment via a Demonic Pact. I took her Petition and mediated with the Courts of Hell, who accepted it except for one tiny little condition which they said will create trouble for her if she insists on that. I tried to talk sense to her one last time, but being tired of her demands, and knowing that she knows well enough what she is getting into, I was actually quite giddy to see for myself how this works out. Demons asked for a small symbolic piece of jewelry that she was to sacrifice after the relationship solidifies, and gave a timeline of two months.
Meanwhile, our friendship fell apart, so I learned the rest of the story years later from a mutual acquaintance. She got what she wanted, and what she deserved for her folly… Her life was utterly ruined. Unbeknownst to me, the dude in question used to have a nickname, “the Chef”, but it was not the food that he was famous for cooking. He sucked her into a meth habit so quickly she had lost her friends and her business in under six months’ time. The relationship was strengthened as she became dependent on him, financially and psychically as she developed paranoid delusions. I guess bragging about having killed six people with Black Magic in previous years also added up its fair share of Intranquil Spirit. Last time I heard, she was homeless. She lost her teeth, I guess Spirits were fed up with her speaking curses. This person used to be late-night TV famous, and rub shoulders with celebrities.
One thing I am pretty sure of is that she never bothered to bring that Sacrifice as promised with the Pact, because it offended her petty side. See, some people think that you shoot the messenger, thereby kill the message, but that is not the case. She saw that as an insult to her pride since I told her to do it, and I was no longer in favor. Pride and vanity tend to be a massive blind spot for the Black Magicians. She thought “Oh, it is Noira who said it… well Noira sucks! She is not my friend anymore plus I told everybody she is a charlatan so fuck you, I won´t do what you tell me.” Sweethearts, the Clerks of Hell do not care about your petty bullshit. I sign the deal *on behalf* of higher powers, and it´s going to be them, not me, to come and collect the dues, with interest possibly.
And that´s what happens when you ask for things stupidly and top it with a show of disrespect for the Spirits. Did Spirits bind those people together into a long-term relationship? Yes, they did. They stayed together for years, actually, until one day I guess the Contract run out, and his survival instinct kicked in so he signed into rehab, alone.
Does that sound like a reasonable price to pay for having your wish fulfilled?
It doesn´t to me, and that is why I never since performed a Demonic Pact for another when I got the slightest warning that what they are asking for is unwise. I was actually shown alternate timelines of my own life, where if I got things that I had wanted, acquiring them would lead to horrible ends.
A Demonic Pact, simply put, is a fantastic opportunity how to experience consequences of one´s action, free will, and all that shit and test your levels of stupidity against the Spirits. Either you come out on the other side of the road strenghtened, and wiser, or possibly you will become an Architect of Your Own Undoing.
A fellow Magician responds…
I used to offer Demonic Pacts as a service to the public, since then I have long taken that service down, due to people not taking it seriously, or listening to the words, and warnings of the spirits. I have seen many crumble as a result, there were a few who prospered because they listened. As someone who has seen pacts of their own through to the very end, I can tell you, this shit is not for those who aren’t dedicated to the path. Those negotiations stand true, strong, and will be followed to a tee. The requests of the spirits can seem so easy ahhaa, but that is the point, you ask for too much, and forgot that you made the deal, completely abandoned the gifting you agreed upon in the first place, they will destroy your dumb ass. Pacts are like credit, you either build an empire as a result of seeing them through, or completely drown in your own filth and failure by squandering it all to piss. Very well written!
Ch. L. Heyekiah
I reply…
Excellent notes, and I appreciate your admission a lot. Many have gotten into providing all kinds of spiritual services for profit, without regard for the wellbeing of the client. If clients are notoriously dumb, then they shouldn´t be served. Such abandoned pacts can, after all, come to haunt us later as well. Funny enough so many writers have compared debt to something infernal!
Fellow Practitioner makes comments…
You mean demons aren’t vending machines? They have their own lives and goals?
But seriously,
Two ways I tend to deal with gods/ demons, depending on how you want to look at them.
1.) I simply offer devotionals, and since, at least in Germanic ways, anything given requires reciprocation, I simply ask them to give me some knowledge of their choice they feel is commensurate with the offering. Thus is probably 90% of my work with entities.
2.) I ask for something specific, outline what I am willing to give, and tell them that if that is not enough, to NOT do what I ask and instead tell me their price first. When we come up with an amicable deal, o try to pay all our most immediately so I don’t do something stupid like forget k sometimes they want something done for them over time or for a certain period of time, so I obviously can’t pay upfront).
The closest thing I came to asking an entity for a curse, is giving free reign to my succubus to feed off of people who are not my allies. All other curses of done on my own.
MacKenzie Scwartzchild
I reply…
Smart way. And you know right away that if they ask for something a bit too much then that is not a good deal.
Forgetting to pay is the absolutely stupidest thing you can do, yet folks do it all the time.
An Occultist muses…
At any moment of your life. All the paths available to you are spread out like an intricate spiders web. Each strand taking you on your own path of free will.
Azazel Suplhur
So have I. The path branches out like a giant oak tree. At any moment you are capable of redirecting your path. But what consequences lay with that.
Azazel Suplhur
I reply…
Yes. I have seen that web in visions, it´s like a tree.
An Occultist muses…
In Germanic practices, it’s the web of Orlog (Wyrd if you’re Anglo-Saxon). The concept is taken from spinning yarn. The yarn is the past, it’s decided, solid. The point at which the strands of hair become yarn is the present. Then you have the hairs themselves (back in the day it was flax or wool) being guided to the staff or spindle from the distaff looks a lot like a 3d spiderweb or cone of cotton candy. I liken this to a “cone of probability”. These are the choices you have. If you do nothing to change, you will take the central path straight ahead. The further you get off the central path to the outside of the cone, the more effort needs to be put in. The sooner you want to reach the outside, the more effort it will take. So if you want to make a drastic change in course quickly, it will take enormous effort. If you are willing to do it over time, it will take consistent effort, but less intense effort.
MacKenzie Scwartzchild
I reply…
‘Time, and pressure. That’s what it took.’
Shawshank Prison Redemption
Let us not lose humor…
Lovestrick plebs seeking losers tis always the eyesore of any Secret Society or Coven!
Nuada Aigertlan