A Dark Woman Crowned Faces the Initiatory Ordeal Occult Illustration
A Dark Woman Crowned Faces the Initiatory Ordeal Occult Illustration

Demonic Pacts I.

Essay on the mechanics of Demonic Pacts, part one.

So word has got out that the British young lad who murdered two women had entered into a Demonic pact beforehand, and promised to sacrifice women. (And, for every purpose, we must suppose that that´s exactly what he did.) Now that is a very interesting and highly flammable topic, so let us pour some more gasoline into the flames.

The first thing that comes to my mind is this might be the first publicized case of a Demonic pact of the likes which we haven´t seen for decades, perhaps centuries even. That means something. It means Demonic Pacts will be once more entering the public consciousness, and the boundaries of that which possible and thinkable are once more being shifted and those who are so inclined will flock to those boundaries to probe them and to test them. Demons love publicity and introducing themselves to the public through the virtue of their own uncontrolled lust for the scandalous, the forbidden, and the horrifying. It´s no different than the tales of centuries prior. Here´s what I think about the Pact itself.

I see a surplus of demand in the realms of making Pacts with the Demonic. The rise of social media in the occult means many more have heard about them and will want to contract them, perhaps because it is now their time to pay for their folly.

Our culture is spoiled rotten. We have a mix of atheism and consumerism with an entitlement that will make the 21st-century Occult Rennaisance a very wild ride.

People especially in Europe no longer believe in the actual reality of occult powers, *and* they shop magicians like coupon codes, all because they have been formed by the Western consumerist culture, so when they make a Demonic Pact they ask a lot – and they want it fast. They are not modest. The British lad in question asked to win the lottery – among other stuff. They do not understand the medium to which they have resorted is one for dire need, and extreme cases, and should be sought out only after all regular methods have failed, including all sorts of magic.

The entitlement though, is where the rubber really hits the road. They think they can get something just because of their pretty face when it is really a deal, the most serious of them all.

Why Danyal Hussein have to waste a human life and become the infamous posterchild?

Because he asked for too much and he didn´t have anything better to offer that the Demonic would be willing to accept. Get it?

The equation goes like this:


I asked for things much more modest, and almost a year thru my Pact with Lucifer, I can tell you that it nearly goddam killed me. I actually tore the whole Pact apart nine months through, because the things that were happening, the demands, and the pressures were too much. I cannot fathom what would have followed if I had been just a little more demanding.

So kiddos… Don´t be stupid. Don´t be greedy. This is a wake-up call.

Reader asks…

The teaching of your story is clear, but if there is no sense in making a pact, what would be the point of doing it if you do it for little things and everything goes to hell? if you ask for something it is because your situation is bad, and if it goes worse, I do not see the sense of proposing a pact. the mistake maybe is in the process? you must force him, you must be one with him? how to know the right way to do it or not to do it at all ….

F.E. Mantilla

I respond…

It can be done right. It´s just this particular case went wrong. Asking for lottery is stupid. I have used it for several things in my life which I wasn´t able to resolve on my own, and to secure some things which I just cared about so why not secure it more.

The safest way would be when the deity only asks for your devotion, and you ask for their favor and protection. In cases where the deal is balanced they often do not even ask anything, other than perhaps you obtain a piece of jewelry for them. I have done many such Pacts for people, but they approached it from a more devotional/religious perspective and it was us who recommended it to them, basically to align their energies, and restore the past life favour with the deity they very often had. We have seen lives corrected this way. But also some deities are a harsh mistress to serve.

Reader comments…

It could be a demonic pact gone wrong but I think this story in particular centers more around a mental health crisis over a pact or demonic possession. It was someone who needed medical help. Psychosis and possession are simmilar but different in a way. If your gonna kill people for a belief then your fucking insane. And of my six years practicing I’ve met alot more lunatics then demonically possessed. Pacts can be dangerous if you expect to much and building a pact around greed vanity and mundanites never end Well it’s either you go utterly insane or you die but the afterlife won’t be kind to you.

I’ve experienced psychosis and possession though they are simmilar the possessed have more clarity In their speech crazy people tend to talk about a thousand things at once or say every word like it was a dollar cause they are trying to act normal. But the possessed can string together sentences and not change topic halfway through and already know what they are gonna say in a way

L. Dave El Achra

I respond…

Have you considered though the intentions of the spirits themselves? What I am saying is they WANTED for these practices to become “too readily available”. It is a part of many people´s karma to be exposed to these temptations now, in this age.

A reader comments…

A most interesting, pertinent and helpful essay! You hit the nail on the head with the equation proffered at the end. (I can vouch, personally for its accuracy.) Don Webb has noted that “magic enhances action; it does not replace it”: this is one of the most fundamental principles. The definition and practice of “action” here is, of course, a flexible term, but so few are prepared to follow through with the work that is required. Furthermore, your observations about culture being spoiled rotten, atheism allied to consumerism strikes a very deep chord. Choosing a spirit with which to work is emphatically not like choosing mustard from the supermarket, all fuelled by a sense of entitlement. It could be a wild ride, indeed, if any Demonic spirits – from principal right through to most minor denizens – chose to follow through the so many given declarations of faith, etc. one finds in social media. Bloodbath doesn’t even come close: there will be a time to “pay for their folly”.(There is an idea I have recently seen on YouTube about the possible relationship between the Babbler in the Abyss and social media, and a global spiritual-cull, but that is for another time, maybe?)Ending where you started, the furore seems to have started with an entirely misleading, inaccurate piece of yellow-journalism from the BBC. This institution is not to be trusted. While it does no service at all to those in pursuit of unconventional (in the sense of non-Christian) spiritual or religious paths in the short-term, fortunately, there will be a natural limit as the Corporation is bound by its charter to be inclusive.

James Henshall

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…