This has been sitting on the shelf now for too long, so here I present to you, for the first-ever time in English, my yearly prophecy for 2021. Every year, I would channel a prophecy around the winter solstice for the year to come. Last year, I saw
“…an ascending current during summertime that is intertwined with disposing of masks, the removal of masks…”.
Little could we fathom at the time that we will all be forced to wear a mask, in a literal sense and this mandate would be dropped in the summer. Many things from this year´s reading have already come true to me, and some have been observed on a collective level. The arrogance of power struck hard during the first weeks of January in Prague, and I saw red pools on red ground already in wintertime.
What I saw On Winter Solstice 2020
The images render themselves abruptly, and they are merciless. People will be turning into animals and the wickedness of power shall come to light. A time of great war is coming, the war between the animalistic nature that is plain and subject to degradation, and civilization which has become perverted despite all of its amenities… as it has happened many times over, the last time upon the demise of Atlantis. The karma of this last great human empire will be repeated on a mass scale.
This all will lead to the revelation of many secrets both on a private and collective level. many people will start seeing their past lives, especially how they were duped and mislead to give up their knowledge and power and how they had been humiliated and bound. Many people will once again find their relationship to the old gods, and they will find security in it. This newly found knowledge and security will protect them from melancholy and depression.
The speed of events will be quickening very much. Many people should expect mysterious and romantic secret dates and secret correspondence. These people might enter your life for a short while only, but they will bring a lot of input – as if a comet just flew by.
Many people will find reconciliation with their karmic partners and people who were their lovers and close associates in past lives where those relationships ended up in alienation and strife. The month of healing shall be March. Some of these relationships will be allowed to enter into the next level of healing, but only those where both souls are working on it.
The arrogance of power shall come to full view in 2021. I see red earth and red skies…