Devil's Disciples Show - Page 4

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Devil’s Disciples Music Videos Playlist

This music video playlist is LOADED with occult messages. It’s a list of videos played throughout the three seasons (2022–2025) of the Devil’s Disciples Show. The show ends on February 28 with my broadcast with Cygnus Atratus. Expect a formal…

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Amphetamine in Blitzkrieg, War in Vietnam and the Luciferian Empire

Amphetamine is by far the most favorite mind-altering substance employed by contemporary Black Magicians, and it played a crucial role in the last, and perhaps most notorious attempt at establishing a Luciferian Empire on this planet by Nazi Germany, and in the later American wars. Get ready for alternative history, including how I met the reincarnation of Reichsmarshall Goering in Seattle and what he told me.

Belial’s Carriage and the Devil’s Lair

A few weeks ago, I started spotting Belial’s Carriage, a distinct Diabolical Apparition that I keep seeing still almost every day. One of these actual physical cars which appears to have shapeshifted then took me to a quaint place where the Horned Lord made His presence unmistakable – the Witch’s Alchemical Cottage in the woods. Let me take you on a tour of this quaint place, as I share my latest tales of devilry and daemonic gnosis.

My Tantrik Initiations and Ordeals

Death and Sex, Danse Macabre, and drawing the lots to be assigned random sexual partners for the ritual were some of the trials that awaited me on the Tantrik Path. For the first time, I am sharing what actually goes on behind the closed doors of the Tantrik Temple, the original sanctuary of the Left-hand path.

Marrying the Ruler of the Dark River

I ritualized the end of my third marriage by giving back my wedding dress to nature in a #trashthedress photo shoot. I revisit this Rite Of Passage for the modern woman, the marriage of Slavic Gods Morana and Chernobog, and the Sacred Sexual Union itself which is said to take place ‘where the rainbow ends’. The pact with Mephistopheles where I promised to ‘…marry the Ruler of the Dark River’ earlier this year also comes into play.

More explicit pictures were released too & I would like to thank up front to anyone who chooses to get this collection and thus become a full witness to this rare ceremony.

The True Left-Handed Tantra

I was fortunate to learn from a teacher of tantra who embodied its true original Left-Hand Path essence. He was a radical thinker, saying things like ‘Marriage is black magic’ or ‘Bringing a child into this world is the same act as murder.’

πŸ–€πŸ’ΈπŸ–€ My videos are 100 % fan-supported – Your donation is appreciated!

Occult Meaning of True Detective Season 1

True Detective, the dark crime thriller series touched such a nerve that it provoked a wild conspiracy that it’s ‘based upon a true story’, something that the very name, after all, implies. Characterized as a Gothic or Neo-Noir Thriller, the series connects many themes from human sacrifice, to evangelical religion, drugs, atheism, Nietzchean philosophy of Pessimism, and themes from H.P. Lovecraft. We delve into the esoteric occult meaning of this purported True Crime, one of a surviving Ancient Pagan Cult that still practices human sacrifice.

πŸ–€πŸ’ΈπŸ–€ My videos are 100 % fan-supported – Your donation is appreciated!

Travel Tips for the Damned

In the second installment of this broadcast, I will share all the travel tips that I discovered in two years of traveling; from the survival arts to the most obvious advice that everyone always ignores including me, perhaps this will make your next vacation suck less!

πŸ–€πŸ’ΈπŸ–€ My videos are 100 % fan-supported – Your donation is appreciated!

The Dark Pilgrimage

Two years into a traveling life, a life of Sacrifice for the Dark Pilgrimage, I take stock of what I have learned, lost, and found along the way through several countries and many states, the spiritual meaning of being a nomad, and my best travel tips that I discovered the hard way.

πŸ–€πŸ’ΈπŸ–€ My videos are 100 % fan-supported – Your donation is appreciated!

Dangerous Living, Meeting the Prince of Darkness

Following the Dark Pact, Satan’s Travelling Agent, Yours Truly, made another move from Coast to Coast, stopping in Las Vegas to meet up with the Prince of Darkness; a stop which proved to be significant and fatal. Among the stories I wish to tell will be meeting Satan’s Carriage and a shape-shifting vampire, timeline disruptions, and Mandella Effects. Cameron will join me with his own take on ‘living dangerously’, a philosophy espoused by the Order of the Nine Angles as one of their core practices.

πŸ–€πŸ’ΈπŸ–€ My videos are 100 % fan-supported – Your donation is appreciated!

Occult Meaning of British Royal Coronation

One of the very few times the puppet strings of the powerful are visible is at a coronation. We’ll be taking a deep dive into the Romano-Celtic origins of this truly diabolical ritual, looking at serpent bloodlines, human sacrifice, and – along the way consider the role of the Royal Mistress.

πŸ–€πŸ’ΈπŸ–€ My videos are 100 % fan-supported – Your donation is appreciated!

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…