Purple Crystal of Spiritual Power
Purple Crystal of Spiritual Power

Can Spirits Lie?

Sorcerors share their gnosis on the topic of lying Spirits

Without much forethought, and in a bit of rage, I wrote this –

Newsflash: Gods and Spirits CAN lie to you.

Thing is, unless you have sufficiently awakened to your own Divinity, you won´t even notice that because they are so smart about it, and know how to appeal to your human bs. For the most part, they will just have you run their petty errands and give you scraps for it, and you won´t ever notice, because legalistically speaking, this is fair game.

This also explains why so many people who are apparently serving deities and having real contact, end up badly and seem to be silently encouraged in their poor decisions.

The Extraterrestrials, don´t even get me started. Any being who is Earth-bound is ten thousand times more trustworthy simply because they are invested in the survival of humanity on this planet. Anyone else coming here and making machinations sees this planet, and me and you, as mere details to their plans.

End of transmission.

Except, this time it was when the really interesting thoughts started pouring in. What you said on the topic has surpassed my prompt in every way, and so, here it is.

I approach it as, even if they lie, if the lie or discovery of it moves me in a direction of self-improvement, the deception doesn’t matter. Then again, in my workings I am very clear that ill will against me is left at the door. It has worked well on average.

Aaron Dodson

I respond….

I don´t mean these kinds of lies, which are to protect you, or propel your growth. I mean lies of, for example, political dimension, where they will ask you to do something for them, but not reveal to you the true nature and the purpose of that project and make it to be something other than that in your eyes. They cannot flat out lie, but can lie by omission, or pressure you esp. if you are bound to serve them through oaths and pacts they just might to try to squeeze what is useful out of you – because they can, since you have entered the Pact. This is the historic background of all the warning stories about Pacts.

Anima Noira

Yes, they become very creative with linguistics.

Andrew Williamson

Truth here. The words can speak one thing and the vib will speak the opposite and in the end cancel each other out, no nothing is said and no divine “rules” broken. The lie can be expressed but the truth vibrates out canceling each other out. Making a nothing. E.T. Truth is also spoken here. Do not enter into any contact or promise or oath with them. The ones who really come to help, do it without asking for anything in return.

Ishtar Lazuli

I know that. I have my spirit guide and always I search for confirmations of his affirmations. I think that spirit like Humans has its own belief and the belief can alter the perception of reality, not the reality itself like some schools teach us ( I think about NLP school as example) reality is the last true in every word I think.

Tiziano Alberti

That being said, some spirits lie way more than others.

Very true! It tis a reviling sight everytime I cross paths with mindless new agers whom believe star races are here to “heal humanity.” Consequently each and every new ager whom subscribes to this nonsense is either an adult perpetual bum living off parents or runs from one abusive broke to another or both.

Nuada Aigertlán

Overtime I learned that the hard way, specially with the answers that come from someone like Lucifer, Lilith, Hekate, Belial, Baal, Asmodeos among a few others, they love giving the answer in riddles, sometimes they make you see that the answer is in your own question, whatever the case might be they just want to see if we are still stupid…

Skorpiós Drákon

Gods don’t lie so much as not speak the truth. Prevarication to have you draw the conclusions that fit the lies you believe in, is an art form.Shape shifting, illusions, or out right lies, yet the deepest underworld beings exist because they hold to their truths. You knowing them, is a whole different issue. Some beings are absolutely truthful, but again, humans are the only animal that can lie, and lie convincingly to themselves.

Bill Hegeman

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

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