Lucifer's Sigil on a Skull
Lucifer's Sigil on a Skull

Black Magic and Karmic Backlash

On the subject of karmic backlash for Black Magic

We need to talk about curses and other forms of Black Magic. The subject being the often-feared, or denied and ridiculed karmic backlash.

Some magicians have surmised that the backlash is of emotional nature, and that it manifests in them as outbursts of sadness, depression, or melancholy. I have experienced this myself. Overwhelming sadness, feeling empty, loss of all joy of life. When this is happening you are basically being informed that even though you might be in accordance with your magic on the mundane level, on the spiritual level you are not and you can’t really take the repercussions for your actions. Of course, we never know that, until we do that.

Others have pointed out that the backlash comes from the target’s defenses, such as ancestral spirits, patrons, amulets et cetera. If they are a practitioner, they will work against you once they catch wind that something is up. You will provoke them, they are gonna feel it and it kinda doesn’t matter if your case is justified or not. They are going to fight you always. It is instinctive.

It is a self-preservation instinct. Black Magic fights and curses are, ultimately, about your Will To Survive, your Will to Live & to Thrive. That’s where the rubber hits the road. Some people are survivors. Some are not. Some will only be victims because that is all they can do. It has always been fascinating to me how many mofos out there who wouldn’t even fight for their own life think that someone else is going to lie down and succumb to their petty curses. Hello? Do you know the value of your life? What have you done with it?

The true karmic backlash doesn’t originate in the Black Magician’s conscience, or the provoked response from his enemy. It comes as a price for dealing with the Dark Powers themselves. I could say that ‘Who lives by the sword dies by the sword’ and be done with it but let us elaborate.

I have previously spoken about the Residue and its influence on life, and how witches who haven’t completed sold themselves to the darkness deal with it [link in comments]. What I have observed is that whenever you call onto these Dark Forces, there is always a price they will come to collect on your life. Always. There are ways to formalize it, pacts, covenants, you can do it in their services and get protection from them, the gods need artists and muses just as much as soldiers and even abortionists. When you work Black Magic for a selfish purpose for personal gain, or out of simple vengeance, the price is going to come from your pocket. It will come sooner if you accept it & are conscious of it, or it will get pushed further into the future. Perhaps even the next life. See, sometimes terrible deeds will catch up with you centuries, or even millennia later.

And then you waste your life and drink yourself to death as a beautiful actress in postwar Chicago, and you don’t know why – it’s the warlock’s black heart from the ancient wars of Atlantis. There is always the butcher’s bill to pay unless you can even out the score by giving something back to humanity. I had that chance too, but I would have to have overcome my laziness and being primadonna which was the reason I failed my last life.

When you want to start with a clean slate, and not have future events stained, it is actually better to just let the backlash/dark residue manifest. Random losses and random acts of violence are the most common price I have observed in my life for curses that were not really justified.

But let’s face it. Sometimes you just really wanna do it, do it for the hell of it, or do it because you can. Sometimes your patience has run its course with certain people and you need to sway the course of action in your favor, and you are certainly not willing to wait until your next life, or before everybody gets wiser. As Metallica sings, you might be waiting for ‘…the day that never comes’. And, so push somebody off that ladder, cut the branch they are sitting on which is rotten anyway, and you rock that boat until it capsizes.

When you do that shit, you may experience a pristine Dark Joy, probably the most known trait of the Black Sorcerer which you see in every fairy-tale. We feel joy from our terrible deeds. Does it make us psychopaths? I don’t know. I think it’s human nature, merely restrained by society from an early age. Look at children. Their games are quite cruel.

I think the nature of provoked backlash, internal or external, and the way you deal with it also influences the speed of the manifestation a great deal. Some of the purest Works of Darkness in my life manifested pretty fast and flawlessly because

  1. I was well-aware of what I was doing, and of the wickedness of my deed. I was not coming to the ritual with emotional overload, rage, hatred, any of it. I just wanted to do it, because, why not.
  2. The opportunity presented itself, and I was given a sign from my Spirits.
  3. There was a wicked form of compassion. I knew that doing this, in the end, would help everyone involved. Unlike deluded White Magicians, I was not trying to rationalize my selfish actions as compassionate.
  4. The target’s Higher Self/Soul was in accordance with my Will. They didn’t fight me in any noteworthy way.
  5. Because I wanted it quickly and then a new start with a clean slate, I didn’t really try to put on any defenses or anything that would protect me but slow it down.

And so in three days, I received all the signs, even Lucifer came to commend on my marksmanship.

On the next day, a random act of violence threw my life out of order and caused me traumatic dissociation.

It was baaaad.

But it was a direct, clear as daylight manifestation of the kind of force that I have used. I have come to think of it this way: I could have pushed it into the future, but there is something about debt and credit that we all get to decide, and living your life on credit is not worth it.

When you attack another Practitioner who holds the same rank in the eyes of Spirits, the price is always gonna be quite high. But, like many other deeds of dubious nature, we will do it. When circumstances call for it, we might even experience the Dark Joy, and that puts us into alignment with the dark forces which also means we do not reject those same dark forces when they want to manifest in our life. It would hypocritical, and they might get angry.

They are very patient and always find their way back into our life. Anyway. Just something that needed to be said.

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…