Belial’s Grand Chess Game

Belial the Destroyer of Towers
Belial the Destroyer of Towers

Belial spoke to one of His Sons –

“My true children never lose the game of chess I am the one who moves the towers for them. I am the creator and destroyer of towers. If they are in the game and they are favored under my wing, I will give you a piece of advice –

If you have self-respect, retire, or I will give you the worst defeat that will bring upon you the most surreal humiliation your ego has ever experienced in any of your failed lives. If your ego doesn’t die out, you will die. One of those two will happen for sure…

Don’t you believe me? Go ahead. The game is open.

Once you touch one of the chips, there is no turning back.

I will enjoy it, with much glee, and it will be a pleasure to see you twist like the worm you had to reincarnate as always.”

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.


  1. Impossible to ignore this advice and survive. Hubris tends to do it for most, and nowhere more than in the political sphere.

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