Beat the Final Boss at the End of the Game

I had a series of dreams that showed me the exact same thing: life as a video game, with increasing difficulty levels. Many Black Magicians have asked themselves, and me over the years – what is there at the end, for those like us? What awaits us at the end of this path?

If we can take inspiration from the video games, and my dreams, what awaits us at the end is the most difficult task where you have to beat the Master. The Final Boss. The Duke of Hell.

Lucifer has confronted me this way already twice.

Every seven years, he appears to me in a dream when I reach some kind of final destination, a place that is the end of all places. He first appeared as the Black Knight, the embodiment of the Black Sun, and I was completely paralyzed by his presence then. I was still very young, and even before he manifested in the fullness of his power, I had an acute sense of having overestimated myself in that bravado of the youth, when you do not fully realize yet that you are mortal, and what you lack in life experience, you compensate in sheer folly.

When he came for me seven years later, I was more of an adult, having gone through my Saturn return. he’s been chasing me with his goon of gangsters in dreams for a decade then, and when I was finally brought before the Duke of Hell in his underground lair where he ruled his judgment over me as the Mafia Don, I was paralyzed from the waist down. He stooped to me, and smelled me. I was lucid enough to realize my fate, but not enough to resist.

It has been seven years now since that last dream. I know what’s coming.

Anima Noira

Priestess of the Dark Arts. Left-Hand Path Femme Fatale. Make a donation to my ministry to curry the favor of Lilith.

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  1. Dear Priestess Anima, I have just listened to your video interview about Lilith and Satanic pacts. I think what you…